Обучение „Признаване на неформалното образование – Youthpass“|Training “Recognition of non-formal education – Youthpass”|Curso de formación “Reconocer la educación informal – Youthpass”|Lernen "Anerkennung von nicht-formale Bildung – Youthpass"


istanbulДвама доброволци от Български Младежки Форум ще се включат в обучението „Recognition of non-formal education-Youthpass” в Истанбул между 1. и 8. август, 2014. Основната тема ще бъде сертификатът Youthpass и осемте компетенции, включени в него. Заедно с турските домакини от организацията Erenköy Zihnipaşa Halk Eğitim Merkezi, участниците ще бъдат от Армения, Естония, Беларус, Унгария, Азербайджан, Молдова, Румъния, Украйна, Малта, Грузия и Турция. Очаквайте скоро техните впечатления в раздел „Публикации“.




istanbulTwo volunteers, members of the Bulgarian Youth Forum will participate in the training “Recognition of non-formal education-Youthpass” between the 1st and 8th of August, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. The main topic of the event will be the Youthpass certificates and the eight competences that it encompasses. Together with the Turkish host from the organisation Erenköy Zihnipaşa Halk Eğitim Merkezi, teams from Armenia, Estonia, Belarus, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Malta and Georgia will be there to join forces with our volunteers in the training. You will see their feedback from the event in section “Publications” on our website. 




istanbulDos voluntarios del Foro Juvenil Búlgaro van a participar en el curso “Recognition of non-formal education-Youthpass” en Estambul entre el 1 y el 8 de agosto, 2014. El tema principal del evento será el certificado Youthpass y las 8 competencias que este incluye. Junto con los organizadores de la organización turca Erenköy Zihnipaşa Halk Eğitim Merkezi de participantes serán de Armenia, Bielorrusia, Hungría, Azerbaiyán, Moldavia, Rumanía, Ucrania, Malta, Georgia y Turquía. Espera sus impresiones en la sección ¨Publicaciones¨.




istanbulZwei Freiwillige des bulgarischen Jugendforum werden einbezogen in der Ausbildung „Anerkennung der nichtformalen Bildung-Youthpass in Istanbul zwischen dem 1. und 8. August 2014. Das Hauptthema wird der Youthpass-Zertifikat und acht Kompetenzen, die darin enthalten sein. zusammen mit der türkischen Heerscharen von der Organisation Zihnipaşa Halk Eğitim Merkezi Erenköy werden die Teilnehmer von Armenien, Estland, Weißrussland, Ungarn, Aserbaidschan, Moldawien, Rumänien, Ukraine, Malta, Georgien und Türkei. Demnächst ihre Eindrücke im Abschnitt „Projekte“.

