[lang_bg]Двама членове на Български Младежки Форум ще представят организацията на публично изслушване в Брюксел, Белгия. Събитието под надслов „Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training“ ще се проведе на 14.01.2015 в Европейския икономически и социален комитет. Ще бъдат проведени дискусии с представители на гражданското общество. Основен акцент ще се постави на младежкото предприемачество и Youth Guarantee System: http://europa.eu/!nf39PF.[/lang_bg]
[lang_en]Two members of Bulgarian Youth Forum will represent the organization at a public hearing in Brussels, Belgium. The event called ‘Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training’ will take place on 14 January in the European Economic and Social Committee. There will be discussions with civil society representatives. The main focus will be on youth entrepreneurship and the Youth Guarantee System: http://europa.eu/!nf39PF.[/lang_en]
[lang_es]Dos miembros del Foro Juvenil Búlgaro van a representar la organización en una audiencia pública en Bruselas, Bélgica. El evento llamado ‘Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training’ va a tener lugar el 14 de enero en el Comité Social y Económico Europeo. Habrá discusiones con representantes de la sociedad civil. El tema principal será el empresarial de los jóvenes y el Youth Guarantee System: http://europa.eu/!nf39PF.[/lang_es]
[lang_de]Zwei Glieder des Bulgarischen Jugendlichen Forums werden die Organisation bei einem öffentlichen Hören in Brüssel,Belgien vorstellen. Die Veranstalltung,die ‘Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and mobility in education and training’ genannt ist, findet am 14.01.2015 in Europäischen Sozielen und Wirtschaftlichen Komitee statt. Dort werden Diskussionen mit Vertretern des bürgerlichen Gesellschaft geführt. Der Haupakzent werden die jugendlichen Unternehmertätigkeit und das Youth Guarantee System sein: http://europa.eu/!nf39PF.[/lang_de]