По време на втората от трите работилници по проекта Story_S – Springboard to Roma Youth Success, младежите дискутираха разликите между ксенофобия и дискриминация, даваха примери от своето ежедневие, а накрая, разделени в малки екипи, започнаха да планират бъдещата антидискриминационна кампания.
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During the second of the three workshops under the project Story_S – Springboard to Roma Youth Success, the youngsters discussed the differences between xenophobia and discrimination, gave examples of their daily lives, and at the end, divided into small teams, began planning the future anti-discrimination campaign.
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Durante el segundo de los tres talleres del proyecto Story_S – Springboard to Roma Youth Succes, los jóvenes discutieron las diferencias entre la xenofobia y la discriminación, dieron ejemplos de sus vidas diarias y, al final, divididos en pequeños equipos, comenzaron a planificar el futuro. Campaña contra la discriminación.
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