TC “Empowering Roma Women”

TC “Empowering Roma Women”

Bilyana Dimitrova

(Bulgarian Youth Forum)

As representatives of Bulgarian Youth Forum, Silviya Ivanova and I took part in a training course in Craiova, Romania from 31st January to 6th February, 2019. The training course was organized in the frame of “Erasmus+” programme, on the topic “Empowering Roma Women”. Twenty-four youth workers and volunteers from 12 different NGO-s and countries gathered in the pretty town of Craiova, in order to increase our knowledge  about Roma-related issues and to share good practices from our countries and organizations.

The different sessions, presentations, discussions and workshops which the organizers from Asociatia Allons-y, Craiova, organized for us, helped us gain better understanding of Roma culture, lifestyle and the rights of Roma people in the society. We took part in different workshops that aimed not only to increase our creativity, using the methods of non-formal education, but also to give us ideas how to include Roma women and help them integrate in the society, learn new skill or even motivate them to finish their education.

The organized visit to a local primary school, where 99,9 % of the students come from Roma families was really a good example that it is possible for Roma children to attend the educational institutions and to undergo a standard learning process. The head teacher and the whole staff in the school give all their best to help the Roma students find their place in the society.

During the five-day-training course, we enjoyed being together, learning about each other’s field of work and culture, sharing our experiences and making new friendships as well as future partnerships. Hopefully, we will continue our work together for a better impact on our local societies and also internationally; because the global impact starts with the small steps…

